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What is the name of the sacred river in India?

The Ganges is the most sacred river in India. It is also the longest river in India. The river originates in the Himalayas at Gaumukh and flows into the Bay of Bengal. The river is considered sacred because it is believed to be the abode of various gods and goddesses. Millions of Hindus take a dip in the river every year to cleanse themselves of their sins.

 What is the name of the sacred river in India?

The flora and fauna found in the river

The river is teeming with diverse wildlife, from the smallest invertebrates to fish, birds and large mammals. The food chain in the river is an important part of the ecosystem. 

The plants that live in the river provide habitat and food for a wide variety of animals. Some of the animals that inhabit the river include American alligators, black bears, wolves, corals, and insects. The flora and fauna in the river are an important part of the ecosystem.

The economic importance of the river

Rivers are an important economic resource for any country. They provide water for agricultural,industrial and human activities.
They help in the transportation of goods and also act as a source of energy. In some cases, very porous and permeable fan deposits are the primary source of water supply for irrigation and industrial purposes. 

The Colorado River supports $1.4 trillion in annual economic activity and 16 million jobs in California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Wyoming. The rivers are important in country's economy because human civilizations, were born in the river valleys, flourished and prospered along the river banks.

 River water is extremely important for countries that are dependent on agriculture. Rivers play a vital role in sustaining life and livelihoods .But far too often, these benefits are not understood, recognized or valued and so are not a priority for river management – leading to a vicious cycle of degradation that undermines the health of both people and nature

The pollution levels in the river

The pollution levels in the river are a threat to our health and the environment. The water quality index shows that the river is polluted and most of the pollutant levels are outside the stipulated standards. We need to take action to protect our rivers and streams from pollution.

The efforts to clean up the river

The river clean-up efforts are a key initiative for American Rivers. Since its inception in 1991, we have engaged more than 1.3 million volunteers who have removed 13 million pounds of litter from rivers across America. 

The concept is simple. A 26-foot high steel fence is anchored to the bed of the river and stops the flow of trash during a big storm. The Big River Clean-up and Restoration Effort is a coalition of federal, state and non-governmental organizations dedicated to restoring the river to its natural state.


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